CTT Legacy Software: Intuitive estate planning software backed by expert support

As every will writer and estate planner knows, this is an inherently admin-heavy profession; paperwork is par for the course. But with the recent surge in digital advancements, the days of using pen and parchment to draft wills are (thankfully!) coming to an end. Search ‘will writing software’ online, and you’ll find a plethora of platforms at your disposal – WillSuite, Arken, Sure Will Writer – all claiming to be the ‘best’ solution to suit your professional needs.
The choice is mindboggling. And with so many features, benefits, and pricing structures to compare, the task of narrowing down your search is a time-consuming headache.
So, just how do you choose the will writing software that’s right for you without wasting hours trawling the internet?
CTT Legacy: estate planning software beyond compare
While many popular estate planning platforms share similar features, there’s one that’s a cut above.
CTT Legacy will writing software is in a league of its own, thanks to its unmatched combination of cutting-edge technology and real human support.
One of the first platforms of its kind and still a leader in the field, CTT Legacy is the only estate planning software developed by estate planners and backed by their hands-on expertise.
That means, when you choose to work with CTT Legacy, you not only gain the tools to digitise your entire process, you also gain the professional support and guidance of our entire specialist team.
Who are CTT Group?
CTT Group comprises an eclectic blend of estate planning, legal, Tax & Trust, and wealth planning experts, all under one roof.
Established for over 20 years, CTT supports professional advisers to exceed client expectations through its software, training, and one-to-one advice.
The group developed its CTT Legacy Software in response to adviser demand and continues to consult with a panel of advisers, ensuring any updates and innovations solve common everyday problems for advisers and fulfil their professional needs.
In addition to its collaborative approach to the software’s development, CTT provides real-life human expertise and support to CTT Legacy users through its team of in–house specialists.
These experts are on hand to answer your questions on everything from tax and trust to legal queries, 24-7, either in person or via CTT Legacy’s adviser chatbot feature (keep reading for more on this!). There is also a document processing department that offers hands-on help with document drafting and procedures should you need it.
Intuitive estate planning software
The move to digital estate planning has many timesaving, service-enhancing benefits – for you and your clients – but it can also feel like a big step.
Digitising your entire practice might mean stepping away from the familiar, paper-based processes you’ve used for years and relearning a whole new approach to admin and client relations.
With CTT Legacy, the path to digitisation is smoothed with easy-to-follow processes and step-by-step guidance.
The software’s intuitive interface is clear and simple to use while its programming provides prompts throughout the drafting process that guide your conversations with clients, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to up-sell and optimise your services.
Info buttons are another user-friendly on-boarding feature included within CTT Legacy. Especially useful for those new to estate planning and digital practices, this handy feature provides on-demand explanations of estate planning concepts in language clients can understand.
With access to over 100 legal products and services, CTT Legacy’s fast, intelligent drafting not only saves you time; it’s also checked for compliance, providing only the most relevant, up-to-date solutions for your clients.
Customer services are also enhanced through CTT Legacy’s client database, allowing you to keep track of client cases and stay in touch with clients through its secure messaging feature. You can even use it to send and receive documents, payments, and digital signatures with total confidence.
You can read more about Legacy’s easy-to-use, intuitive drafting and client management features here.
Estate planning software, backed by experts
Many estate planning platforms provide you with accurate drafting software, but nowhere else do you get the professional guidance and support of experts than with CTT Legacy.
Always on hand to solve any legal or estate planning queries you may have while working with clients, CTT Legacy’s chatbot feature has the answer to over 900 of the most commonly asked adviser questions – and if Chatbot doesn’t have the answers you’re looking for, you'll be put through to a live chat with an expert in the relevant department of CTT Group.
From those specialised in Tax & Trust advice – to help you minimise IHT and create flexible, secure estate plans for clients – to those equipped with the knowledge to support you with complex or challenging legal issues, you’ll find the answers you need to progress your case within the CTT team.
With CTT Legacy, you’re no longer limited to providing estate planning that's within your remit. Thanks to the backing of CTT’s in-house experts, you'll unlock the potential to offer a broader range of client services and boost income revenue.
Whether its advice with probate, help with selling a house, or guidance with investments, CTT’s range of legal and financial expertise means you can refer clients’ queries for review by our professional experts while still retaining your clients’ business and increasing profitability!
CTT Legacy: a clear choice
Making the move to digital is an essential step in ensuring the future of your estate planning business. With an increasingly ageing population – the vast majority of whom are yet to write a will, the scope for the estate planning sector is huge – and now’s the time to capitalise on this.
Digitisation gives you the edge – but software that’s backed by human intelligence and first-hand expertise is the formula for unprecedented success. With CTT Legacy, you don't have to do digital alone.
Over 100,000 wills a year a written in CTT Legacy Software – find out what it can do for you and your business; book a demo here.