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CTT Legacy: Will Writing Software for Solicitors

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CTT Legacy Software

If you're looking to buy a will writing software, you're likely dealing with one of the following challenges:

  • Time-consuming admin: You're spending too much time on admin tasks like populating will writing documents.
  • Lack of organisation: You're struggling to keep track of client details, preferences, and deadlines without a centralised system.
  • Privacy and security concern: You're concerned about client data and want to ensure your clients' sensitive information and documents are stored securely.
  • Client collaboration: You want a platform that simplifies collaboration between you, your clients, and other stakeholders, allowing for real-time updates on client wills.

Most will writing software can help you solve these problems. For example, many will writing software solutions on the market incorporate useful features like customisable templates and secure document storage. 

But the challenges estate planners and solicitors face run deeper than the ones listed above.

Whether you're an estate planner or solicitor, you're likely running a multifaceted business and require more help than a standard will writing tool can provide. You need a holistic will writing software that not only accelerates your will writing process but also maximises productivity across other facets of your legal practice.

At CTT Group, we've built such a software: CTT Legacy Software.

CTT Legacy is a combined document drafting software, legal client relationship management system (CRM) and secure client portal, all in one.

With over 99,000 wills written per year, Legacy is more than a will writing software for solicitors; Legacy is your complete estate planning system with everything you need to run your legal practice.

Made by advisers for advisers, CTT Legacy software is the only document drafting software backed by an extensive team of over 100 legal, financial, and estate planning professionals.

On top of that, our team is constantly developing the features and functionalities of CTT Legacy, expanding our impressive arsenal of tools to meet the ever-changing needs of both advisers and clients.

Ready to experience the CTT Legacy demo for yourself? Get in touch with our team.

If you're not ready yet, read on for our guide on choosing will writing software.

In this article, we'll discuss:

  • Features your will writing software should have
  • How CTT Legacy overcomes the limitations of most will writing software

Features your will writing software should have

In this section, we'll delve into key features every will writing software should include.

Also, we'll highlight how CTT Legacy not only provides these essential features but complements them with additional functionality.

1. Client data management

Choose a will writing software with useful features for reducing clutter and organising your client's information.

How CTT Legacy helps you organise better

  • Searchable messages: Scouring email chains is a thing of the past. Legacy's messaging feature securely stores all communications in relation to each client and has a searchable history, allowing you to access the information you need quickly and efficiently within any conversation.
  • Swift CTT Support: For help processing an order, you can select a specific client, click 'new message', and view all the departments within CTT that can be contacted for support. Whether it's for estate planning advice or a tricky case that needs expert insight, you can also reach out to multiple departments at CTT with a single message, sharing relevant client information securely at the click of a button.

2. Case management system

A built-in case management system will allow you and your clients to track the progress of drafting, reviewing, and finalising the wills.

How CTT Legacy handles case tracking

  • Simplified case tracking: is an all-around solution to case management, effortlessly bridging communication between consultants and clients. It allows you to efficiently oversee and administer orders, keeping clients informed about the process from start to finish.
  • Real-time case updates: Clients are provided with real-life updates on orders. The Case Tracking system removes the inconvenience of phone calls and emails, providing a straightforward and accessible channel of communication.
  • Workflow management: Case Tracking's workflows include milestones and steps covering the entire order process, from instruction to will attestation, setting precise target completion dates and client expectations from the start. Marking a step as 'completed' on the software notifies the client of progress, while you can also use it to inform them of delays when a case is put on hold.

3. Security measures: 

Robust security protocols will protect your client's data and maintain confidentiality in compliance with legal and ethical standards.

How CTT Legacy guarantees security:

Our state-of-the-art security measures protect data at every step, meeting the highest industry standards.

With the rise in bank transfer fraud, your customers want assurance that their assets are secure.

Our platform, developed by practitioners, prioritises functionality and security.

  • CTT Legacy uses the same two-factor authentication system implemented by banks.
  • The encrypted client portal allows advisers to channel many of their tasks through the system, ensuring protected exchange of information and removing the necessity for multiple in-person meetings.
  • Our internal communication system enhances GDPR compliance and client safety. Storing data within the messaging software is more secure than email, especially for sensitive information like payment details vulnerable to email hacking.

How CTT Legacy overcomes the limitations of most will writing software

Now that we've covered the key features quality will writing software should have, let's explore how CTT Legacy's package goes above and beyond the alternatives.

As mentioned earlier, CTT Legacy stands out by not only improving the efficiency and organisation of your will writing process, but also delivering valuable benefits across other aspects of your business.

Unlike any other software in the estate planning sector, Legacy grants you exclusive access to CTT's specialised legal support. 

With Legacy, you're just a message away from a seasoned estate planning expert who can share advice or help lighten your caseload.

Switching to new software is a big change you must be ready to embrace in order to achieve long-term success.

CTT will help you ensure a smooth switch, whether you need additional consultations, group training, or help with data transfer.

The extra support we provide includes:

Processing & cover

Never fall behind on your workload – Process documents yourself or let your support network at CTT do the hard work for you.

Holiday coming up? We can handle all your documents and administration so you can return to an empty desk and focus on the most important thing – your clients.


There's no service you cannot offer your clients.

Unique to Legacy Software, you can refer cases to any of CTT Group's legal, financial and estate planning departments, who will complete the work on your behalf.

Adviser chat

Draw on CTT's expertise – CTT's AI chatbot is programmed to answer estate planning questions and is available 24/7.

This is a fantastic support tool and training aid, helping advisers develop knowledge and confidence. 

For more complex queries, Legacy puts you directly through to a live chat with a CTT expert.

Training courses

  • CTT Group is renowned for its industry training, from estate planning essentials to advanced areas to help you specialise and grow your services.
  • All CTT Foundation courses introduce Legacy Software, which is perfect if you're a new adviser or you have a new staff member.

Comprehensive Video Guides:

Embedded within Legacy Software is a multitude of helpful video tutorials guiding you through its features and processes.

Learn More About The Full Range Of CTT’s Professional Services Here.